yusuf's daily stories

a blog that tells you about 9th grader stories

Jumat, 20 September 2019

Mau Beli Kopi

*tok tok tok*

Suara pintu rumah yang diketok seseorang pagi itu cukup mengagetkanku yang pagi itu sedang menonton acara sejenis bedah rumah di sebuah saluran TV kabel. "Ya, sebentar", ujarku sembari bergegas menuju pintu depan rumahku. Kuambil kunci dan membuka pintunya, seorang ibu dengan usia sekitar 30an akhir menyapaku. "Bang, mau beli kopinya".

Ya seusai memutuskan berhenti bekerja di salah satu instansi pemerintah dan harus bertugas di daerah yang sangat jauh dari rumah, kini aku berjualan kopi susu kekinian. Itu lho, kopi susu yang bahan dasarnya menggunakan gula aren sebagai pemanisnya, kemudian dicampur kopi dan susu. Enak dan murah meriah menurutku. Biasanya dipasarkan oleh Ibuku melalui grup WhatsApp kompleks yang isinya segala macam perdagangan makanan dan pernak-pernik ala ibu-ibu. Lumayan ramai, terutama di akhir pekan. Selain itu, daganganku juga tersedia di Go-Food, tentunya tidak selalu buka ya, maklum menyesuaikan jadwalku saja ketika tidak ada kegiatan di rumah. 

Sok banyak kegiatan ya. Padahal dibuat sibuk saja, sih. Oh ya, namanya Rumija. Saat ini baru menjual 2 produk, yakni kopi susu dan green tea latte. Dalam kemasan botol 250 ml, disajikan dingin tetapi tanpa menggunakan es. Jadi rasanya akan konsisten terus sampai tetes terakhir. Silakan dicoba ya barangkali Anda tinggal di dekat rumah saya sehingga toko saya muncul di aplikasi Go-Food Anda.

Kembali ke ibu tadi. "Oh ya boleh bu, tunggu sebentar ya" jawabku sambil menyegerakan sarapanku yang saat itu masih setengah piring. "Nanti saja setelah makan", katanya. "Kopinya beli 2 ya, Bang". "Oke baik, Bu". Sambil kuperhatikan dari pintu teralis yang ada di sisi luar pintu utama, rupanya ibu tersebut ialah salah satu ART di kompleks rumah. Mungkin ia pernah melihat transaksiku dengan driver Go-Jek yang mengambil pesanan ke rumah dan sepertinya penasaran, karena tentunya ART itu tidak berada dalam grup jual beli makanan milik ibu-ibu kompleks.

Tak lama sarapanku selesai dan segera menyiapkan pesanannya. "Ini bu, jadi Rp 20.000". Kemudian ibu tersebut memberi uang pecahan Rp 50.000. Bergegas ku mencari uang kembaliannya sebanyak Rp 30.000. "Terima kasih ya", sapaku ramah. Ada perasaan sedikit terkejut dalam benakku karena perkumpulan ART yang sering berkumpul di jalan kompleks, rupanya memperhatikan dan juga penasaran dengan daganganku.

Pagi ini, ibu tersebut kembali mengetok pintu rumah. Entah mengapa tetap kaget dibuatnya. Mungkin karena hampir tak ada yang mengetok pintu rumah di hari kerja kecuali kurir paket, yang itupun umumnya siang hingga sore hari. "Mau beli kopi 1, green tea 1". "Wah oke ditunggu ya bu". Ya, begitulah cerita hari ini. Lumayan untuk penglaris di pagi hari.

Rabu, 17 November 2010


For awhile, to love was all we could do
We were young and we knew
In our eyes were alive
Deep inside we knew our love was true
For awhile, we paid no mind to the past
We knew love would last
Every night, something right
Would invite us to begin the day

Something happened along the way
What used to be happy was sad
Something happened along the way
And yesterday was all we had

And, oh, after the love has gone
How could you lead me on
And not let me stay around ?
Oh, oh, oh, after the love has gone
What used to be right is wrong
Can love thats lost be found ?

For awhile, to love each other with all
We would ever need
Love was strong for so long
Never knew that what was
Wrong, oh, baby, wasnt right
We tried to find what we had
Till sadness was all we shared
We were scared
This affair would lead our love into

Something happened along the way
Yesterday was all we had
Something happened along the way
What used to be happy is sad
Something happened along the way
Yesterday was all we had
And, oh, after the love has gone
How could you lead me on
And not let me stay around ?
Oh, oh, oh, after the love has gone
What used to be right is wrong
Can love thats lost be found ?

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, after the love has gone
What used to be right is wrong
Can love thats lost be found ?

Senin, 13 April 2009

Busy Time

Well guys, back again. This time i'll tell you some of my activities for this month.
I have a lot of tasks that i have done this month. UAN(National Exams), final exams, and others. Oh God, feels like i'm going insane. I got to study harder and harder. Cause if don't get a good score for the national exam, i wouldn't get a good senior high school. Although i have prepared for them, sometimes i feels scared. It also happened to my friends. But i'm ready for the national exams, it will be held on April 27th 'til April 30th.

O yea, sometimes i'd like to wish something greats. Like a digital SLR camera. I like it very much, don't you? I really like the art of photography. Now, i only have a Panasonic Lumix LZ7 which is not a SLR camera, it's just a digital pocket camera. I'm so proud of it cause it produces really great pictures, and the most important is i bought it by my own money. Even it's pretty cheap, Rp 1.200.000,00. Which SLR camera do you like? I wish someday that i will have a Sony A200. Have you seen that? That's very cool.

Time goes by, and the national exam is going closer and closer. It seems that i wouldn't post again for this month. Wait until next month! Keep read my blog guys! Bye...

Senin, 23 Maret 2009

Berubah 180 Derajat

Halo temen-temen, maaf nih baru nge post lagi. Kelas 9 sibuk banget sih, yang Try Out tiap minggu, tugas yang menumpuk, foto bareng temen-temen sekelas, dan lain-lain

Sekarang gue mau cerita tentang seseorang, seseorang ini tuh dulu baik banget, eh gak tau kenapa pas semester 2 kelas 9 mulai berubah. Udah gak pernah sms lagi, sombong gak mau nyapa, gak mau main bareng lagi, udah gitu kalo diajak ngomong malah diem aja seolah-olah gak ada siapa-siapa. Ya gue sih udah pernah minta maaf walaupun kayaknya gue gak pernah berbuat salah sama dia, dan dia maafin. Tapi abis itu dia mulai nyolot lagi.

Gue gak ngerti kenapa dia begitu, sebenernya gue gak suka diem-dieman gitu, tapi karena dia duluan yang mulai, yaudah gue ikutin aja diemin. Males kan, udah diajak ngomong, malah diem aja. Pokoknya berubah 180 derajat deh.

Emang sih sejak kelas 9 dia temenan sama eksis-eksis, mungkin biar tambah eksis kali ya. Tapi gak tau juga sih. Ya mungkin dia gak mau temenan sama orang biasa yang gak eksis, makanya gitu. Kalo misalnya orang itu baca post ini, ya gue cuma pengen kayak dulu lagi, gak sombong, gak nyolot, ya maaf-maaf aja ya kalo salah ngomong atau salah apa gitu. Bukannya mau ngebales nyolot tapi cuma mau cerita doang kok.

Udah dulu ya, mudah-mudahan dia nyadar deh, amin.

PS : dia itu laki-laki, kalo merasa maaf aja ya

Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009

Kamis, 22 Januari 2009

the reply and the final exam

a few months ago, reza asked me for another post, but i got no chance to write it.
so, what i supposed to post today? mmm, let's talk about try out on january 18th.

well, i did a try out test last week, with all my best friends, especially reza d.s, fadhel, and yovi. the test was so difficult and i can't finished it by myself, so i did cheated with my best friends. it's math, science, bahasa indonesia, and english. the most difficult one for me is science. i don't really understand science, physics and biology.

about 3 months from now, there will be a final exam for the 9th grader, it will happen on april 27th. it's about 90 days more or less from today. i guess, it will be difficult. hope i will pass the exam easily with a good score. the minimum average score to pass this final exam is 5,50.

begin now, i should study more to get a good score and want to continue studying at senior high school 78. who wants that? raise your hand! get ready for the final exam!

Minggu, 23 November 2008


Hello friends. why I gave the title selfish? may be the right word for me. Yes, I always seems to be myself, I mean more than keeping myself from others. My friends dub me "so stingy," I think after-thought, indeed I was stingy and always keeping my resignation.

I apologize because it was so, I realize that the act is not good. I will now try to change them so that I do not stingy and not selfish.

I'm not smart as you think, I may not chain the words above, so as that. Yes, I write in Bahasa Indonesia, then translate it into English through ___._____.com
Haha it's secret guys!

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